Count The Cost 


Many follow Jesus forgetting to count the cost. 

Yes, salvation is free but there’s a cost to following Jesus. 

Are you willing to put Jesus before everything? Yes, even yourself? 

It came a point in my life where Jesus was telling me to step away from school. And I’ve been ridicule for it. I had to realize I’m not living for me anymore, but for Him.

Sometimes it’s hard to let go of what Jesus is telling you to let go of. Jesus is the one who know what exactly is holding you back from getting closer to Him. 
Just like Jesus laid down his life for you, it’s time for you to do the same. 

Bury your cross and come after Him, furthermore prepare yourself for your own persecution. 

Salvation is free and personal, but it comes with a cost. God want you to follow him, but have you evaluated the cost? 

Verse : Luke 14 vs 25-27 

Fighting A Battle


Is anyone fighting a battle? 

Wherever there is a battle there is victory
You are more than a conqueror
The battle is not yours, but it’s The Lord’s. 
The flesh gives birth to the flesh and the spirit gives birth to the spirit. 
Some of us are stuck giving God our flesh instead of our spirit. How often is it that we give God the flesh instead of the spirit. 
We give God offering rather than giving Him our heart. 
What the spirit wants doesn’t align with what the flesh wants.
God doesn’t want your flesh. . . . 
You were spirit before you were flesh. 

Verse : Philippians 5:7

Spiritual Cemetery. 

The church was not meant to be a spiritual cemetery. The church was not created to be a place full of dead people. 
Furthermore the church was intended to be a place of resurrected people. 

In order to be resurrected, you have to die first.

The church was intended to be a place full of people who were dead, not people who are dead. 
“Everyone is afraid to go to a funeral, but no one is afraid to go to a wedding.”
The church was intended to be a wedding rather than a funeral. 
Verse : Romans 6: 1-5 n

Backward Worship 


Most people sought out relations, but not relationship. Salvation is not a one time thing salvation is a continuous thing. 

The communion with people means nothing without the communion with God. 
Don’t let someone in the church stop your worship. The problem that you have among others reflects the problem that you have with God. Your problem with your brother or sister can hinder the entire atmosphere during worship. 
You’re suppose to love God will all, not some but all your heart, all your mind, all your soul.
How can you love your neighbor as yourself  when you can’t even love the creator of love? 
Don’t worship God base on your condition or situation . 
        Backward worship = condition
Are you going to give God fake or true worship?  

Spirit and Truth pt 1 





Worship : to show reverence to something of higher rank 
The Lord seeks true worshippers.
You cannot worship if you don’t know what you’re worshipping. The God that you worship, he created heaven, the earth and everything in it. The God that you worship is a great God. He is Lord of lord, Kings of kings, Alfa omega, the ending and the beginning. There none like Him!
            Worship is unconditional.
 No matter what your going through God greatness comes before it. 
Are you choosing your emotions over God greatness? Some people are in the mist of their wilderness and their asking God for a breakthrough, yet their dealing with the issue of worship.
Are you waiting for something to happen to worship? 

He deserves our worship, not because of what he will do in your life, but for who he is.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. . . (‭Psalms‬ ‭150‬:‭6‬ NKJV)

Spirit and Truth 


The Lord seeks worshippers. Jesus is seeking for true worshippers those who would worship in spirit and in truth. Man looks at the outer appearance while God looks at the heart. When you encounter Jesus, the depth of your understanding begins to increase. 
The love of God will expose your sin. Sin has a way of separating us away from God. Because of the love God has for us, he has a way of exposing the sins in you that is not of Him. 
The sin issue that most of us deal with is actually a worship issue in disguise. 
It’s not the location that matters, it the person. It’s not the where, it’s the who. 
God seeks those who will worship Him in truth and in spirit. Are you willing to break the barriers of worship? 
Verse : John 4: 16-24, Act 17: 22-24  




Have you accept the resurrection? 

You can’t have a resurrection experience if you don’t die to your old self and your way of living. The same spirit that was used to rose Jesus from the dead is the same spirit that can rise you from your dead situation.

There is no resurrection without the cross. 
What cross are you carrying involuntarily? 
Are you carrying a cross that you have yet to own up to? We want to be resurrected, but we fail to put ourself upon the cross.

If you believed that God was risen again after being crucified then that same power can rise you from your dead situation. 
It’s not enough to know Him it’s important to know the power of His resurrection, but you must fellowship with His suffering.
To many people want the title “Christian”, yet aren’t ready to die. You must be crucified! You have to die with Christ, not for Him. Don’t only observe the resurrection, moreover prepare for it. 
Have you given God the chance to resurrect you from your grave?  When Jesus resurrects you He transforms you, for you are not the same as before. The old you become dead and gone.
There people who want what God can give them. They want breakthroughs and not want a relationship. They rather His hands than His  heart.
Today can be your moment of either freedom or death. 
Verse: Luke 23 : 32-43 

In with the new, out with the old

People start to pay attention to you once they know whom you are. The same people who were screaming Jesus were the same people who crucified Him. What is the kingdom? The kingdom is in you, moreover it’s morality, and a way of living.
Two things cannot occupy one space, therefore there cannot be two presidents. 
In order for the kingdom to come something else has to go. If His kingdom has to come then your kingdom has to go. 
Jesus is not waiting for you to change your lifestyle to come to Him. He wants you as you are. He comes in to push out what is not of Him from within you. It’s time to open the door that Jesus been knocking on and let Him in. Jesus doesn’t need you to make room for Him, open up and he’ll make room for himself.  Don’t come fix, come broken! 
Fix your eyes on Jesus. 
Whenever the new come in, the old gets disturb. Whenever the kingdom of God comes in, the old kingdom gets uncomfortable. Once you let Him in it’s no longer “you who live, but He who lives in you.” Jesus is looking for a donkey to sit on, are you willing to be the donkey?
Are you free, but still living in bondage? 
Are you still holding on to the baggages? It’s time to let go of what’s holding you hostage. 
Many of you are still holding on to the chains that has been broken and your response may be, you can’t let go! You can let go, you chose not too. Children of God the word “can’t” does not exist. One of the reason you may have troubles letting go is because some of you like pain, more than . 

He wants you, the rejected, the broken hearted. the misfit, the sinner with the spot, he wants you! 
              Let go and come to him   
VERSE : Matthew 21: 1-11 

Law Abiding Citizens 


God abide in worship. When worshipping, therefore worship in spirit and in truth. God isn’t looking for you, but he’s seeking for you. God has chosen you to be the head quarter in the city, are you ready?  Are you carrying someone’s destiny? Sometimes we get so comfortable that the glory of God begin to depart. Are you worrying about your salvation, or are you serving your generation? It’s not about we, I and me, nevertheless it’s about the nation. It’s time to track our process, make it plain and write down the vision. 

Law and Order : There is a law and there is an order. Jesus didn’t come to remove the law, he didn’t come to remove the principal of the word of God, but instead he fulfilled it. Christ substitute your death and as a result of His death, now the whole law is fulfilled. This is best known as the grace of God. Even though you have grace doesn’t mean holiness isn’t relevant. 

God didn’t call Christianity into a religion, rather than he called it to be a nation. Are you mixing with the surrounding nation or are you standing out? 

The enemy want to makes it difficult for you and your family because you carry God. There needs to be a distinct between the world and the people of God. If we actually started to live in holiness and righteous the POWER and the GLORY of God would be so thick. Are you excited about church as if the people who were to attend a Jay-z or Beyoncé concert? Let make God famous! 

VERSE : Exodus 31:18, Exodus 33:16, Isaiah 63:7-11

Work your talent


God has blessed you with a gift. Everyone has something that he/she is good at. In order to reap the harvest, you have to work. In Matthew chapter 25:14-30 you will see the parable of three men with talents. Each person according to his own ability was expected to use what he had been given. The one given five talents and another given two  talents both used their talents and received the same reward. The person given one talent did not even try to fulfill the responsibility the master gave him. His talent was taken away; he received no reward and the relationship between him and the master was destroyed. Do not waste your gift. Doing nothing with it is the same as digging a hole and burying it. God does not want a lazy gifter but a hardworking servant that will use what he has gifted them for His glory. If you are someone today who might say “but I don’t know what my gift is or I don’t know what I am called to do”? Pray and ask God today to show you what he has for you. Let your faith and obedience, your love for Christ direct you into your calling because with without action will certainly not lead you into the promise. What you are called to do what is what you were ordained to do.